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2018 Exhibition of Exchange Program between JCI & ENSA was Successfully Held in JCI


2018 Exhibition of Exchange Program between JCI & ENSA was Successfully Held in JCI


On Dec. 14th, Exhibition of exchange program between JCI & ENSA was held in the No. 1 studio of JCIIS. The ceramic works created by 5 students sent by ENSA was exhibited, showing the program achievement during their stay in Jingdezhen.





Matéo Clausse,一位2011年硕士毕业的学生,三个月的学习下来,让他记忆最深刻的是他在景德镇某作坊里认识的一位不苟言笑、严肃至极的老师傅。“在跟随景德镇师傅学习陶艺的过程中,从未见过他笑,”Matéo说,“后来,当他看到我的学习成果时,那么严肃的一个人,他笑了,我觉得自己所有的努力都值得了。”说到这里,Matéo显得激动无比。Matéo还说:“我经常会觉得自己的脑子里有很多很多的点子,但我无法确定它们是否是一个好的点子,所以我需要不停地去实践,才能证明我的想法。”他的作品有两个设计理念,一个是来源于他脑子里天马行空的想象,比如等高线肌理的陶瓷桌子;另一个是来源于他在景德镇的见闻,比如带图案瓶子系列作品。他在景德镇的殡仪馆看到的骨灰盒让他联想到有许许多多的灭绝动物早已没有任何痕迹存留在这个世界,所以他希望人们看到这个作品可以想起那些由于人类活动影响而灭绝的动物。

The most unforgettable to Matéo Clausse is an aged local master with whom he had an acquaintance in some workshop. He always keeps a straight face with great seriousness. “I never saw him smile during my learning period with him”, Matéo says with extreme excitement, “I think it is really worthy of what I did when he saw my finished works with unexpected smile.”




Hippolyte Herfloh是一位幽默、想象力丰富的艺术创作者。他说这次景德镇之行给了他一个实践的机会。他的作品充满了现代感以及与不同文化碰撞的艺术感,既有街头标语式的瓷板,也有可爱的异形摩托罗拉陶瓷手机。最让他觉得最开心的是他的名为giant pot space project的作品,他在第一工作室里支了一个三脚架,上面捆绑了一个望远镜的镜筒,透过镜筒,可以看见位于我校国际陶艺陶艺工作室和主教学楼之间草坪上放置的一个蓝色大缸。他解释说,这就像一个天文望远镜一样,从镜筒里可以看见如同蓝色星空一样的大缸,但若是换一个视角,坐到大缸里去,可以看见更美的星空。

Hippolyte Herfloh is an artist with rich humor and imagination. He said the trip to Jingdezhen was a really good opportunity for practice. His works are full of feeling of modernization and art of diverse culture conflicts. The Giant Pot Space Project is his most favorite work. You can see a more beautiful starry sky when you sit inside.


Jessie Derogy 是一名设计师,她喜欢建筑美。通过交换期间观察了许多中国建筑,并由此设计了一个组件小型架子,是陶瓷材料制成的斗拱。她说,以中国建筑元素为基础设计一个可以组装和拆卸的架子,可以用来放置书。喜爱阅读的她有许多书籍,作为设计师的她希望设计一个别致的书架来放置自己的书籍。她觉得将陶瓷与建筑相结合是一件充满创造力的事情,热爱设计的她,景德镇之行让她找寻到了许多灵感。

Jessie Derogy is a designer and she likes the beauty of architecture. After watching many Chinese architectural design during this time, she designed a Dou Gong with ceramic materials which can be taken apart and assembled and used for displaying books. The trip to Jingdezhen inspires her a lot.


Ellande Jaureguiberry说,他的艺术作品旨在将扰乱物品的极限,发掘它的审美功能或它的潜在效用,使它摆脱空间,性别和思想的条件。景德镇之行,让他最印象深刻的是拉坯工人,因为他们动作迅速,技术娴熟,让人体会到心灵手巧的真正含义。他的陶瓷作品多是不规则物体,饰以不同材料,给人以无限想象空间。

The most impressive for Ellande Jaureguiberry during the period of Jingdezhen is the local throwers. They do the throwing very quickly and skillfully which makes him feel the real ingeniousness. His works are mostly irregular objects decorated with different material and full of unlimited imagination.


Arnaud FOLLIOT的作品向人们传达的,是一个创新的、破旧迎新的世界。他将陶瓷做成的灰色瓷砖与透明无暇的白色玻璃组合在一起,形成一块绝美的砖块。他说,这个项目只是一个开始,它与我以前的创作是连续的。我用艺术嫁接在砖块上,以此作为模板来创建我的主题和结构。他还说,他喜欢与陶瓷及陶艺家的亲密接触,让他仿佛进入了一个新世界。

Arnaud FOLLIOT’ works express people an innovative and brand new world. He combined the ceramic-made grey bricks with transparent glass to form splendid bricks. He said he really liked to keep in touch with ceramic and ceramicist, which always brought him into a new world.





Besides the works created by exchange individuals, the blue and white lamp standard jointly created by students from JCI and ENSA were also exhibited. Each lamp standard consists of 8 columns with 70 cm height and 40 cm diameter. The mutual discussion and deep communication among all students during their joint efforts witness the good friendship and hardworking. The lamp standard will both be exhibited in campuses of JCI and ENSA soon.




Since 2011, JCI and ENSA has conducted up to 9 exchange programs. This exhibition is the mutual achievement of both universities and the successful running of the program plays an positive role for both.